Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sacred Movement

Mmm, sooooo honored and excited to be sharing this Sacred Movement class again, especially in such a beautiful, sublime, and sacred space...amidst the most exquisite souls who are expressing their deepest Essence for themSelves.

SACRED MOVEMENT is a practice of balance, awareness and self-honoring based on ancient and beautiful techniques found within the 5,000 year-old healing system of medicine known as Ayurveda, along with powerful practices from global traditions that incorporate
and free your own inner muse and restorative senses.

Each SACRED MOVEMENT class gives you a unique experience as you step into the current…current moments that will:
  • ·      Re-awaken and balance your essence and vibrations.
  • ·      Rejuvenate you at the deepest cellular and sacred levels. 
  • ·      Release emotional turbulence through sensing & dance.
  • ·      Re-wire access to your innate power.
  • ·      Reclaim your mystic dancer!

It is deeply inspiring - and fun! -- to support the releasing of stress, the vitality of vibrancy, and renewing of the journey for each and every One there.

Join us and enJoy yourSelf!  Sunday mornings from 10 - 11:15am, PST
Seaside Yoga Sanctuary, Seaside, CA

Namaste Om

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Breathing Anew

Long life and purpose,
then rest 
as needs shift.

In time, natural flow 
creates fresh vibrancy 
and sweet lift!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Emerging Senses

Mid-stride upon California's coast
A 'licious scent of radiant rose 
Wafts and wanders into
My Awareness.

Burying my scent-ser
Into a bright center
Gratitude erupts
Ahh, Vibrancy..!

Distinct memories,
Magical moments of grace
Dance across my face
As my heart draws to You.

May your heart swell and sway
As Love emerges today
Sensing You.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Natural Vibrancy

Surrounded by cypress limbs of deeply rooted wisdom, my senses elevate and play with the chilled breeze and unending sky view.  They become grounded when distance disappears between me and the gray, white boulders holding still amidst shimmering blue and aqua salted waves that caress, crash, and circulate the rock sculptures...endlessly...with love.  Each bend of the Pacific that reveals a lip of white, teases and dances with such seductive confidence that I become this force...this vigorous and infinite flow of pure potentiality...pure vibrancy...pure Life.  Feeling the sun's fire on my skin, I am warmed by the transformative satisfaction of strength, metabolization, and creation that imbues Within.  And I experience gratitude for the natural vibrancy I have chosen...for the All that Is.  For Life.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Organic Immersion

In the mindlessness
of Being a Human,
the essential warmth
of Self
The need for resourcing
into the mists
of source,
of the cresting moment,
of the organic lightness
of Being.

Feel the organic song
as it lifts the load
of duality and scurrying
from the Senses.
Claim this moment
as the purest expression
of Life.  
At one-ce, in Isness.

What would it Be like to immerse one's Self into the still presence?  
If we were to decide to ex-is-t in the alive present moment
giving ourselves the gift of breath awareness?
When I was newer in this incarnation, 
I would tell close friends that my middle name really was "Spontaneous".
This opened the gate
 to clearer freedom 
to act on my deeper impulses 
to go "off-plan".  
To enjoy -- bring in more joy --
to my days, hours, moments.  
Exploring Mother Earth's surroundings 
still keeps a visceral vibrancy
to my Journey 
that allows and invokes 
a deep gratitude 
for my collective Life-Moments.

This particular Song that is You 
carries unique tones within 
that seek organic vibration 
expressed without.
Out here.
Yet, do we dare 
honor immersion 
into the inner Gap 
between what was 
and what could be?

Between regret and anticipation,
Recrimination or striving,
Learning or leaning,
The womb of awareness
The cocoon of calm
The bath of being
Can bring rejuvenating Power,
Exquisite Essence,
tickling and loosening the ties
that strangle
our truest expression.
A beautiful way into this G.a.P. 
-- this Gift and Presence --
is with a tool as organic
as Light...
Our divine life force...
our Breath.  

What are YOUR experiences with organic immersion?....  :-)

When I taught time management in Corporate America, my favorite piece was speaking about allowing for ("building in" was the current nomenclature), "discretionary time".  And I recall having difficulties personally honoring those "time slots" as my internal spontaneity (read: natural awareness to go within for the next moment's response) struggled to break free and express its truth.  The subsequent stress of this w.a.c.k.e.d. (war at core kills, ease dies) way of being brought more dis-ease than I could metabolize.  The war between the Light of Self-love and the dimmer un-inspired Doing drained my soul, cut connection to source and only until I allowed and embraced the moments as perfection would the gauntlets of life loosen their hold on my voice, my breath, my courageous heart.  Now...in this amazing and breath-expanding now... I invite you to see the organic pure Self you are at your still-est...the pure bliss of immersion within your bath of being...and share your amazing Life Gift with, first yourself, then with Us (Unbounded Self).  We are all in this organic immersion together... 

What can you...will you...allow into the moments of your days?   Will I see you in the waves?... 

September's Song
Along this Pacific California coast,
beauty captures the piqued eye,
striking sweetly the heart,
inviting the deepest essence.
Tat Tvam Asi...I am that.
A recognition of earth's rhythms
internal yet ringing full
in Autumnal shift...
The refreshing force
of this eternal gift
sharing its flow
in this now...