Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May's Full Flower Moon

As the rains are cleansing and transforming our sacred Moon ceremony space this month, I still must share what is on my heart about this magical day:

 ~  This Full Flower Moon asks us to "stop and smell the roses", to be in gratitude for the newness of Life, and to notice the blossoming of what is bursting forth from the seeds of our own intentions and essence.  This powerful moon calls for balancing the masculine (lancing old wounds to create...) and the feminine (...harmony, reawakening our intuition), having a foot in both of those worlds, to examine our environments and past emotions surrounding them, for releasing into magnificent endings and embracing new beginnings!  Mmmm, sounds yummy...

      *  EXAMPLE:  As we are relentlessly supported by our Mother offering to us our highest good, this month's postponement could be viewed by "yours truly" for instance, as a gift of FULL focus on a physical move -- scheduled for tomorrow!?! -- to the coast for clarity and transformation.  A truly MAGICAL ending to an existence and location for me that is no longer of mighty use.  Again, fully supported and exquisitely timed by Essence / Source.  Wow.

  ~  More endings and beginnings feel eminent here on this beautiful Earth.  Celebrate, dear Ones, this time of Allowing... Allowing more Love to flow.  Allowing our senses to be honored through Nature's unadorned, exquisite gifts.  Allowing the Light to shine between the cracks of our imperfections.   As the flowers allow the water to rinse away the dust and moisten the earth for growth, I invite us to allow that which is no longer brilliantly useful to and powerfully present for our Life's growth to gently flow / walk / run away.... Yes, if there is running involved, it is a NEEDED release.

      *  EXAMPLE:  However someone may "leave" our life, at their core they may be feeling compelled at various levels (whether aware or not) to change direction and focus on their newest "higher good" plan for all involved on their current journey.  I invite us each to trust this (left brain / masculine) and see the brilliance in (right brain / feminine) their choice.  For THE highest good...

Enough for now as I must resume the releasing project the Universe beautifully set in motion for me!  When I get settled, there will be more shared here about journeying in this unbounded, evolutionary time on our sweet Earth.

Blessings, love, hugs, light and sweet flower awareness to each of you on this powerful day and we will gather next month!  Excited!  :-)

Namaste, L'aura / Lala